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Authorization operators


(authorized-by k)
(authorized-by k)
  • takes k: string
  • produces bool

Whether the named keyset/guard is satisfied by the executing transaction

Supported in properties only.


(row-enforced t c r)
(row-enforced t c r)
  • takes t: a
  • takes c: b
  • takes r: string
  • produces bool
  • where a is of type table or string
  • where b is of type column or string

Whether the keyset in the row is enforced by the function under analysis

Supported in properties only.


(is-principal s)
(is-principal s)
  • takes s: string
  • produces bool

Whether s conforms to the principal format without proving validity.

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(typeof-principal s)
(typeof-principal s)
  • takes s: string
  • produces string

Return the protocol type of the given s value. If input value is not a principal type, then the empty string is returned.

Supported in either invariants or properties.

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